Blog Archives

Ki² Life | 12-17-13

Ki² Life ™

Ki² Life ™


It’s hard enough changing yourself why would you think you could change someone else? ~ KiKi Richardson (Ki²)
#Ki2Life #KiKiRichardson #Change #YouCantChangeOthers





Tuesday’s Thought (10-4-11)

Monday’s Thought…

(October 4, 2011)

We’re the authors of our reality, the draft was created when we were born; Are you happy with the current version or is it time for some re-writes?KiKi Richardson

The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains–Proverb

Monday’s Thought (9-19-11)



Monday’s Thought…

(September 19, 2011)

During the process of self discovery you will come to realize how difficult it is to change things about self…honestly, how easy did you think it would be to change your mate? —KiKi Richardson